Parking at Champlain College is a very limited resource that requires a lot of management and patience, and we ask for everyone to play their part.
The majority of our parking capacity is located at our Miller Center at Lakeside Avenue, served by our convenient shuttle system.
The remaining main campus parking areas are limited to a handful of smaller lots that are zoned for employees, commuting students, and campus visitors. There are also some on-street parking areas which we share with the general public.
ALL Champlain College students, employees and contractors must obtain and display a parking permit for their vehicle, regardless of where or when they park.
Parking Permits
Parking permits for Spring 2025 are available to order NOW!
Purchase a Parking PermitParkMobile
Download the ParkMobile app on the App Store and Google Play for employees and commuter students to easily pay for campus and metered Burlington parking using your mobile device.
City Streets
Decades ago, Champlain College and the City of Burlington agreed to a small number of sanctioned locations where Champlain affiliates could park. As part of that agreement, ALL other streets in Burlington are considered prohibited parking and are enforced daily by Champlain College parking enforcement. For example, parking on South Willard St (south of Tower Terrace), South Union St, Bayview St, etc. is prohibited and you WILL get ticketed for parking there.
Students and Employees are prohibited from parking on any Burlington street that is not specifically zoned for Champlain College affiliates, regardless of whether there are signs in that location or not. Sanctioned city streets are shown on our campus parking map in the black dots.
For parking purposes, students and employees are not considered members of “the Public” but are instead considered members of our Champlain Community, held to the same agreement with the City.
Top 10 Things to Know About Parking
There’s a lot to know about transportation options at Champlain College. But, if you’ll be driving on campus, there are a few really important things that you need to know. Read through our top ten things to know, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
1. Permits are Required 24/7
ALL Champlain College students and employees must obtain a permit for their cars each semester, regardless of where or when they park. It’s easy and free in some cases. champlain.thepermitstore.com.
2. First-Year Parking is Restricted
First-year residential students are not permitted to bring a vehicle to campus. A waiver is possible for students that meet eligibility criteria.
3. Residential Student Parking
Eligible residential students require a Zone 2 permit and are required to park at 175 Lakeside Avenue. Residential students may NOT park in main campus lots or along ANY city streets between 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday-Friday. champlain.edu/parking
4. Free Commuter Parking
Parking is FREE at 175 Lakeside Avenue for Zone 1 permit holders. Champlain operates a free shuttle service seven days a week between Lakeside Campus, 194 Saint Paul Street, and Main Campus.
5. Parking Permits
When you purchase a parking permit, you are paying for the right to park in one of several zone-specific Champlain lots. On-street parking is not guaranteed.
6. Short-Term Parking with ParkMobile
Most main campus parking lots operate on a pay-per-use basis, with an hourly fee and, in some cases, time limits. A few lots are free. Payment is required from 8:00 AM–4:00 PM and can be made using the ParkMobile app. Please note that payment does not eliminate the need for a valid parking permit.
Hourly Rates and Time Limits:
- FREE lots: 396 Main St, South House lot, North House lot, Sanders Hall lot, and 175 Lakeside Ave lot
- $0.50/hr, 8 hr time limit: 158 S Willard St lot, 371 Main St lot
- $1.00/hr, 4 hr time limit: MIC lot, Skiff Hall lot
- $1.00/hr, 8 hr time limit: Summit Hall lot, Rowell/Jensen Hall lot
A transaction fee applies to all paid parking.
7. Adjacent Streets
Champlain College students and employees are prohibited from parking on any Burlington street that is not specifically zoned for Champlain College affiliates (see black dots on map). Students and employees are not considered “public” with regard to parking.
8. Restricted Parking
Perry Hall/West Hall and Boardman Hall lots and Finney Quad are restricted and enforced 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Boardman Hall lot is for those who obtain a Zone 5 permit only. Perry Hall/West Hall lot is for visitors to the Admissions office only.
9. Visitor Parking
All visitors should obtain a temporary guest permit prior to arrival on campus. This can be obtained by the Champlain employee hosting the guest using champlain.thepermitstore.com or by emailing parking@champlain.edu three days prior to the visit.
10. Guaranteed Ride Home
All permit holders in Zone 2 are automatically enrolled in CATMA’s Guaranteed Ride Home program, which provides for a free cab ride if the shuttles are not operating. All Zone 1 permit holders are also eligible to enroll.
Enforcement of Regulations
Rules & Regulations
In order to be good neighbors and community members, Champlain College sets strict regulations for vehicles and parking. Please familiarize yourself with these general regulations, and contact us if you have any questions.
Rules & Regulations -
Violations & Appeals
If you receive a parking citation, it will automatically be applied to your parking account. A person ticketed has the option of paying the citation or appealing the citation. Learn how to pay for your citation or how to lodge an appeal.
Violations & Appeals
Office of Transportation
163 S Willard St, Burlington, VT 05401
Mailing Address:
375 Maple Street
Burlington, VT 05401
Office Hours
8:30 AM – 3:00 PM