Eco-Reps educate their peers about environmental issues such as waste reduction and energy conservation. They also collaborate on related activities in their residence halls with their Resident Assistants (RA) or other Champlain student event planners.
Possible Themes
- Waste
- Energy
- Food
- Transportation
- Water
- Conscious Consumption
We work deliberately to show the intersectionality between these topics and many social justice issues.
Training/Professional Development Topics
- How to Host an Event
- Effective Communication
- Community-Based Social Marketing
- Time Management for Student Leaders
- Collaborations across campus
- Set up an bulletin board in their residence hall / target area and post information
- Collaborate with residential life staff and/or other campus event planners on programming opportunities
- Conduct audits of the trash and recycling bins in their building/area
- Be a resource person for students in the residence hall/area
- Promote the Green Room Certification Program
- Act as “eyes & ears” regarding res hall operations and report accordingly to Physical Plant staff
- Conduct energy audits of appliances in residence halls
- Conduct surveys about ecological issues
- Attend meetings to plan activities and provide feedback to the Office of Sustainability staff
- Assist with waste reduction activities at move in/move out
- Set up and staff environmental information tables and exhibits
- Go on tours of local sites such as Green Mountain Compost and the Material Recovery Facility
- Develop programs and projects related to your interests
Office of Sustainability
Skiff Annex, Room 203
163 South Willard Street, Burlington, VT 05401
163 South Willard Street, Burlington, VT 05401
Office Hours
Tuesday – Friday
11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Email us to set up a meeting outside of the academic year
11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Email us to set up a meeting outside of the academic year