The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment at Champlain College conducts and interprets the results of campus-wide surveys about students, faculty, programs, campus, and more. Some of the surveys conducted include NSSE, Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) (Ruffalo Noel-Levitz), MISO, Incoming Student Survey, Culture of Consent Survey, and Cybersecurity Survey.

In order to ensure that high-quality and useful information is obtained from surveys, and to minimize survey fatigue, the College provides a Survey Policy that applies to faculty, staff, and students.

Record of Historical Survey Assessments

National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)

The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) is a survey designed to measure and gauge student participation; it’s used by colleges and universities all over the United States to measure how students are engaging with educationally purposeful activities, including coursework and academic opportunities. The results of this survey help administrators and professors assess students’ perceptions of the educational environment and their participation in programs and activities. Champlain has conducted this survey periodically since 2007.

Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) (Ruffalo Noel-Levitz)

The Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) (Ruffalo Noel-Levitz) survey is designed to measure student satisfaction and priorities in college or university, and presents students’ satisfaction in their programs and opinions of their school. The collected data is used by school administrators and professors to plan academic and student life programs according to student voices, strengthen student retention initiatives, identify areas of strength for institutional marketing, and analyze outcomes and progress for college goals. Champlain has conducted the Noel-Levitz (SSI) survey periodically since 1997.

Measuring Information Service Outcomes (MISO)

The Measuring Information Service Outcomes (MISO) is designed to determine how faculty, staff, and students view library and computing services in a college setting. The objective of this survey is to find services and resources that benefit students and help ensure the delivery of those resources; clearly communicate with members and communities within the college to ensure that students, faculty, and staff are familiar with campus-wide technologies and services; and analyze programs, skills, and sources that are used campus-wide to perform tasks. Champlain has participated in this survey since 2014.

Internal Surveys

Champlain College also administers internally-designed surveys, such as:

  • Incoming Student Survey
  • Culture of Consent Survey
  • First Destination survey of recent graduates
  • Great Colleges to Work For survey of employees

These are aimed to gauge student involvement in various fields around college and academia.

For more information about these surveys, contact the Office of IR&A.