Library Databases
Champlain College students and employees have access to more than 150 databases to utilize anywhere with internet access. The library offers a wide breadth of resources ranging from popular databases like ProQuest Central, to smaller, more niche databases focused on specific topics such as Mergent Online for financial information, GDC Vault for game design and game programming presentations, and Mango for language learning.
Find Books and Ebooks
Browse our physical book and eBook collections from the comfort of your dorm room or office!
Find Streaming Videos
The library provides access to tens of thousands of streaming videos. Check out our video databases to start watching.
Find Print & Digital Course Reserves
Print and Digital Course Reserves give faculty the chance to reserve materials for students to supplement classroom instruction. Students can check out physical materials reserved by their professors within the library for 3 hours and all digital materials can be accessed through the Digital Course Reserves with their Champlain login credentials.
Search and Database Tutorials
Want to learn how to get the most out of key library databases? The Champlain College library provides a number of side-by-side and video tutorials focused on specific databases that focus on the tools and skills needed to be a proficient researcher.
Subject Research Guides
Researching a specific subject area or topic? The subject research guides provided by the library put the resources you may need all in one place.
Library Instruction Program
The Champlain College library provides a unique approach in ensuring that Champlain students are proficient in information literacy and library use. Our award-winning, embedded information literacy program in the Core Curriculum develops students’ abilities in locating, evaluating, and using information in a way that is beneficial to them intellectually and in their day-to-day lives. The impact of our library instruction program is also demonstrating through our work in School of Social Innovation signature courses, bibliographic and technical instructions sessions, and customized instructional course guides for in-person and online classes.
Popular Research & Instruction Tools
Our online guide to help with MLA, APA, and legal citations.
For local history research, try these digitized items from our Special Collections.
Learn the best ways to map, visualize, or text mine your research.