Get Research Help
Our email reference service is checked Monday – Friday. Appointments may also be requested via email. The reference inbox is not monitored on days when the library is closed.
Reach us at: referencedesk@champlain.edu
Research Help Appointments
Research Help Services are available by drop-in at the following times:
Monday–Thursday: 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
Friday: 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.Research Help Services are available by bookable appointment at the following times:
Monday–Thursday: 10:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Friday: 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.Help is also available anytime via email at referencedesk@champlain.edu.
Note that research help services are not offered on days when the library is closed.

Special Collections Reference Support
For topics related to Champlain College history or Vermont history, Special Collections can answer reference queries and provide access to unique primary sources in the Special Collections reading room. Contact specialcollections@champlain.edu with a question or an appointment request.

Digital Scholarship Consultations
Trained members of the library reference team can provide support in standard academic research uses of selected digital scholarship tools. In addition, we can provide assistance in locating open data for digital scholarship projects, including GIS data and textual datasets. Contact Nick Faulk with more information about your research needs to set up an appointment.
Supported Digital Scholarship Tools
- ArcGIS Public and Storymaps from ArcGISOnline
- DMPTool
- Gephi
- Google Earth Pro
- OpenRefine
- Selected Python libraries including Natural Language Toolkit
- Tableau
- VoyantTools