Research Navigator

Alert: Change in Library Building Access

The Miller Information Commons is Champlain College ID card access only after 8:00 p.m. Monday–Thursday and card access only for all hours Saturday–Sunday. Note that this change only applies when the Library is open; card access will not work during times when the Library is closed. If you need to replace your Champlain College ID card, please contact Compass Student Services for assistance.


Miller Information Commons
95 Summit Street
Burlington, Vermont 05401
CLOSED at 5pm Friday March 13th for Spring Break
CLOSED on Saturday March 14th for Spring Break

Monday–Thursday: 8 a.m.–11 p.m.*
Friday: 8 a.m.–8 p.m.
Saturday: noon–7 p.m.**
Sunday: noon–11 p.m.**
*On weekdays after 8:00 p.m., the library is Champlain ID access only.
**On weekends, the library is Champlain ID access only at all times.

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  • A student following along on a laptop while writing notes.
    Request a Reference Appointment

    Get research help from a member of the library’s reference team.

    Reference Appointment Calendar
  • One student draws on a white board while another student watches.
    Book a Study Room

    Individual and Group Rooms are available in the Miller Information Commons.

    Book a Study Room