When an employee or a faculty member leaves the college, all Champlain College provided computer assets (laptop/desktop, monitor, keyboard, peripherals, etc.) are collected by the IS team and redeployed to other faculty and staff members. Mobile devices, such as iPads, are purchased by individual departments, and shall be handled by the department head.

When you notify the People Center via Oracle, IS is automatically notified. Once the IS team receives this notice, the ChampSupport team will reach out to you to arrange for collection of the equipment. Even when the departing person will be replaced, ChampSupport will still retrieve the computer equipment for re-imaging and possible redeployment elsewhere.

If needed and requested, the ChampSupport team is available to assist the departing person in migrating personal data off of the device. We ask that you instruct the departing person to put this request into ChampSupport (champsupport@champlain.edu) immediately so that this can be scheduled and completed well in advance of the last day. The departing person is not permitted to take the laptop/desktop home with him/her to migrate personal data from home. As the manager / supervisor you are responsible for preventing this.

This policy is instrumental in keeping Champlain College information off personal computers and in keeping computer related expenses as low as possible. Both support the Champlain 2020 goal of Financial Stability and also support IS’ commitment to optimizing computing resources for everyone.

IS needs your cooperation to ensure this procedure is followed.