Our Purpose
The Champlain College Faculty Senate is a shared governance body that works to ensure meaningful faculty participation in institutional governance.
As described in our bylaws, the Faculty Senate is responsible for College policy pertaining to academic programs and curriculum, teaching quality, criteria for academic rank and promotion, and academic freedom.
All full-time faculty members of the College at its three campuses (Burlington, Montreal, and Dublin), as well as one adjunct faculty member from each of the academic divisions and international campuses, have full voting privileges in Senate business.
Faculty Handbook
Executive Cabinet
Senate Officers
Tony Perriello, President (SoSI)
Jen Vincent, Vice-President (SSB)
Sheila Liming, Secretary (CCM)
Immediate Past President
Patti Aldredge (SoSI)
Academic Affairs Committee
Jen Vincent, Chair (SSB)
CCC/DEIBJ Committee
Rowshan Nemazee, Chair (COR)
Curriculum Committee
John Stroup, Chair (SoSI)
Warren Sides, Vice-Chair (ITS) -
Faculty Evaluation Committee
Craig Pepin, Chair (COR)
Faculty Welfare Committee
Melanie Brown, Chair (ITS) -
Professional Development Committee
Jonathan Banfill, Chair (COR)
Promotions & Sabbatical Leave Committee
Bob Mayer, Chair (COR)
Structure, Bylaws & Nominating Committee
Nicole Morris, Chair (SSB)
At-Large Representatives:
Jessica Allard (LIB)
Robin Perlah (CCM) -
Faculty Ombud, ex-officio
Joe O’Grady (SSB)