downtown dublin buildings and busses

Dublin Summer Programs

Dublin Summer Culture Program

May 9 – June 6, 2025

The Dublin Summer Culture Program aims to offer students a unique opportunity to explore Irish culture, history, and community identity through the lens of borders over an immersive summer session, fostering a deeper understanding of culture and politics through engagement with place.

By combining Core 203 and 204, and an active faculty collaboration between the two campuses, an intensive study abroad experience will be created that differs from what is possible during a full semester term at either campus, drawing from the combined knowledge and experience of participating faculty. The program will pioneer a new combined course model that enhances teaching and learning at the college, while also building precedent for future course collaborations between the two campuses.

Offered Courses

    • Exploration of Irish culture and community history via place-based engagements with history.
    • Emphasis on The Liberties neighborhood as a case study, and site of community engagement.
    • Field experiences, community visits, and on-site research in greater Dublin.
    • Examination of borders at various levels (community, neighborhood, urban, national, international, psychological).
    • Analysis of how borders have influenced and continue to influence history, culture and community identity in Ireland and Northern Ireland (post-Brexit), and connections to wider global border issues (US-Mexico, Vermont-Quebec).
    • Field visit to Belfast for a deeper understanding of sectarian divisions in West Belfast.

Total Cost: $6,850.00

Includes tuition, housing, international health insurance and some activities. Students are expected to arrive on campus Thursday, May 9 and leave the residence by June 6, 2025.

    • Current Champlain students who would like to have first-hand learning experiences that enhance their knowledge of the world.
    • Current Champlain College students who are considering or are pursuing a Global Studies Minor.
    • Current Champlain students wishing to catch up or take their COR-200 courses in advance and have a lighter load the following spring semester.
    • Students in relevant majors at other institutions of higher education who are interested in spending a summer in Dublin and experiencing the culture first-hand.
  • Champlain College students: Students interested in the Core 200s program must have completed all core 100 courses by the start date.

    Students from other institutions: Minimum of 30 college credits. With your application, please submit a transcript from your home institution.

    • Applications are due by February 15, 2025.
    • Payment is due by March 1, 2025.
    • Special financing options can be negotiated with the Office of Student Accounts.


Jonathan Banfill
Assistant Professor
Liz Gillis
Student Life Manager & History Professor


Contact the Champlain Abroad with any questions about the application process or Dublin campus.

Contact Jonathan Banfill for more information about the program.

Champlain Abroad

Skiff Hall, Suite 200
163 S Willard St, Burlington, VT 05401

*Virtual during the summer and breaks
Monday – Friday
11:00 AM – 4:00 PM