Digital Forensics
If you need a little extra help in your digital forensics courses, our Peer Tutors can help you. All tutors are upper-class students recommended by Champlain faculty and trained by SMART Space staff. Please consult the information below for the schedule and location(s) of tutoring support for the class you are taking.
Digital Forensics Tutoring
Ireland RM 117
(No Appointment Needed):
Tuesday: 5:30 – 8:00 PM
FREE Digital Forensics Tutoring!
The Digital Forensics Tutoring Center provides free support to students throughout their program, spanning the basics of digital preservation to the intricacies of white-collar crimes and advanced malware attacks. Our peer tutors are ready to help you crack the code to success.
Ireland 117, Yehuda Bollen
- Wednesday 3:00-6:00
NET-150 & NET-215
Joyce 310, Dylan Pallatroni
- Sunday & Tuesday 5:00-8:00
Ireland 117, Yehuda Bollen
- Wednesday 3:00-6:00
SEC-110 & SEC-260
Joyce 310, Dylan Pallatroni
- Sunday & Tuesday 5:00-8:00
SEC-250, SYS-140 & SYS-255
Joyce 310, Dylan Pallatroni
- Sunday & Tuesday 5:00-8:00
Ireland 117, Yehuda Bollen
- Wednesday 3:00-6:00