Axecutioners is a 2.5D fighting game played from a side-scrolling perspective, in which players fight one another as executioners with comically oversized axes. It is designed to be a more accessible fighting game that is easy to pick up and play without previous experience in the genre, thanks to its simple inputs and core mechanics. In order to execute their opponent, each player has six actions they can take outside of their back-and-forth movement: low attack, mid attack, high attack, dash, guard, and guard break. Each action has a definite action that it counters, as well as an action that it is countered by. As such, players need to carefully weigh their decisions before attacking. This rock-paper-scissors balance style provides an easy-to-understand core gameplay loop that is fundamental to understanding and improving at fighting games.

Our ideal audience for Axecutioners are players with a casual understanding and experience with fighting games who want to get into the genre but feel overwhelmed by the complicated inputs and syntax of larger name fighting game series. We intend to provide those players with an easy-to-pick-up experience that teaches the core fundamentals of the fighting game genre without overwhelming the player and allowing them to enjoy brawling with their friends in the cartoony, flashy carnage of Axecutioners.


Team Axecutioners
Game Studio Senior Show 2023