School/Division Division of Communication & Creative Media 
Class 2017
Pronouns She/Her/Hers
Hometown Windsor, CT
Study Abroad Dublin, Ireland


Community Relations Intern for Vermont Works for Women in Winooski, VT

Post-Grad Job

Senior Operations Associate for Talent Acquisition at Away in New York, NY

How did you choose your major?

Champlain’s Broadcast Media Production major was exactly what I wanted. I didn’t want to study journalism or communications, and I didn’t want to be on camera at all. My dad suggested Champlain, and when I saw the Broadcast major, I knew that’s what I wanted to do. Champlain really allowed me to customize my major. I started off by taking all production classes and a few film classes, then branched out into taking marketing, public relations, and even a few law classes.

How was your study abroad experience?

My favorite thing about Champlain was going abroad to Dublin, Ireland. We have a campus there, and the staff is amazing. It was so easy for my tuition and scholarships to be transferred over. I loved every single minute of it—I went to six countries and met a lot of great people. Dublin was amazing, and I recommend it to every single person.

Have you had any internships during your time at Champlain?

I interned with Vermont Works for Women, where I was the Community Outreach intern. It was a catch-all position, and I got lots of opportunities to exercise my strengths. I helped write their annual appeal letter, and I created two promotional videos for them. In the fall of 2016, I went to Randolph, VT and held a video booth for their annual Women Can Do conference, which promotes STEM and trades to ninth through twelfth grade girls. It was amazing.

Champlain really allowed me to customize my major.
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Tyler Jennings-Peczka, Class of 2017

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