School/Division Robert P. Stiller School of Business 
Programs Marketing 
Class 2020
Pronouns She/Her/Hers
Hometown Boston, MA

Post-Grad Job

Service Job in Washington DC for a nonprofit


Boss Enterprise in Boston, MA & Fuse Marketing, Burlington, VT

How does your Data Science minor enhance your Marketing major?

Data Science and Marketing are a great fit because a lot of companies are looking for analytical skills. In my marketing internships, it’s been an extra bonus to have a Data Science background.

What was it like to take a travel course?

The first travel course I took was in my sophomore year, and it was to Zanzibar. It was with Professor Gary Scudder. The class was on aesthetics expressions, and it was basically about art, looking at different types of art and the world in general. We went to Zanzibar during winter break, and it was an amazing experience. I never thought I would travel at all, but Champlain provided me with that opportunity, so I took it. It was mostly about looking at different cultures in the area and expanding our knowledge on different types of art. One of our projects when we were there was to pick an artifact, it could be anything at all, and basically analyze it and see how it differs from different types of art in the world in general.I also went to India in my junior year, also with Scudder, and it was a religion class looking at Islam and how, in different parts of the world, it affects different mechanisms in terms of how people worship. That was also very educational, and I loved it.

How have you gotten involved on campus?

During my freshman year, my first year here, there was a volunteer workshop at Black Girls Code. Black Girls Code is a company that tries to help women of color get into tech world, and they focus mostly on programming. So, getting women to code and stuff like that, but mostly minorities in different regions that they might not have the resources to. I did a volunteer workshop and I taught an HTML class, so that was really great. It was very hard teaching kids, but I definitely learned through it, and I was able to teach the class really well.

I never thought I would travel at all, but Champlain provided me with that opportunity.
Shelsea Henry
Shelsea Henry, Class of 2020

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