Faculty Member Champlain College Online 
Pronouns He/Him/His
Education Universidade do Minho, PhD; Universidade do Minho, Master of Science; Universidade do Minho, Bachelor of Science
Areas of Expertise
  • Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics
  • Software Engineering and Project Management
  • Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
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Personal Website
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Sergio holds a PhD in Information Systems and Technologies in the field of cybersecurity, and his experience includes academia, industry, and public service. Prior to Champlain College, Sergio had managerial responsibilities in several corporations, as well as consulting roles, and served as faculty member in several colleges, including the Catholic University of Portugal, where he coordinated the B.S. in IT and the graduate certificate in Information Security.

His research interests include information security, intelligence, and information warfare. He was a researcher in several projects, including the “Security in the Armed Forces Data Distribution Network,” promoted by the Ministry of Defense of Portugal, and he was an academic member of the NATO Multinational Cyber Defense Education and Training Project.

Sergio is currently a member of the Editorial Committee of the International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics, participates in the scientific committee of several international conferences, and regularly serves as reviewer for multiple scientific journals. Sergio has published a book on the viability, requirements and implementations of behavioral biometric technologies, authored several book chapters, and published more than 60 papers in security related topics, both in international journals and in peer reviewed conference proceedings, being cited more than 700 times.

When he is not working, Sergio enjoys woodcarving, following the investment markets, reading, and assembling jigsaw puzzles.

Publications & Abstracts


Curriculum Vitae


Professional & Scholastic Affiliations

Association for Computing Machinery

Favorite Quote

“There’s nothing worth getting in this world that you can get easily.” Then, as if starting a new paragraph, he briefly cleared is throat. “But, when you put in that much time and effort, if you do achieve that difficult thing it becomes the cream of your life.”
-“In French, they have an expression: crème de la crème. Do you know it?”

—Haruki Murakami, Cream

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