School/Division Division of Communication & Creative Media 
Class 2022
Hometown Sacramento, CA


Journalism and Screenwriting


Glitter Magazine Irvine, CA

What have you learned through the InSight program? How will it help you in the future?

The Insight program has helped me consider the cost of living in different areas. Realistically, it may take me a few years after college before I am able to afford moving to a big city like Boston or New York to pursue writing and editing. However, there are many remote jobs available that will help me gain experience while saving up money for rent and transportation.

What’s the most surprising thing you’ve found/didn’t expect about Champlain (or your experience here) so far?

I didn’t expect how much my experience in classes would inform my perspective on life and my identity. I also did not know that my classes were going to be a safe space for me to share my intimate secrets through poetry and to cry in front of others. I was bullied throughout school for crying in public, so it is really nice to feel comfortable and safe expressing my feelings at Champlain.

What advice do you have for students thinking about coming to Champlain for college?

Befriend your academic advisor and talk to them about any stressors you have. It is okay to drop classes, change classes, and change majors. I have done all of these things.If you are passionate about a subject and enjoy hanging out with a crowd of gamers, skateboarders, skiers, and artsy people then you’ll love it here. If you want a college experience with Greek Life and sports, this is not your college. This is a school that embraces individuality, not conformity.

This is a school that embraces individuality, not conformity.
Sam Wilhoit
Sam Wilhoit, Class of 2022

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