Faculty Member Champlain College Online 
Education Syracuse University, Master of Arts; SUNY at Binghamton, Master of Science; Hamilton College, Bachelor of Arts
Areas of Expertise
  • Innovation and Strategy
  • Organizational analysis and metrics
  • International Business, Global Supply Chain Management, Business Process Optimization
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Peter Lotto is an adjunct professor in Champlain College’s CCO in the Master of Business Administration program. He is also an adjunct instructor at Norwich University, Northfield, Vermont in the strategic studies and business departments. He has been an adjunct instructor of management, finance, accounting and international business at Mohawk Valley Community College, Utica, New York, Pikes Peak State College and National American University, Colorado Springs, Colorado. His experience includes course development as well as delivery for both on campus and online teaching.

He has held executive level corporate consulting, general management, chief information officer, supply chain management, business ethics and international positions in such companies as Carrier Air Conditioning, UTC Fire and Security, Danaher Corporation and Infor Systems. Prior to his retirement from United Technologies, he was the Chief Information Officer for the Fire and Security Division in Denver, Colorado, where he also served as the Business Practices Officer with oversight of the group’s ethics practices.

Peter earned an M.S. in Management from the State University of New York at Binghamton, an M.A. in International Relations from Syracuse University and a bachelor’s degree in Religion from Hamilton College. He has served on the board of directors nonprofit organizations, and is actively involved in collegiate scholarship ““ practice tools directed toward the creation, revision and application of business knowledge.

He currently lives in Fayetteville, NY and is a married father of three and grandfather of five. In his spare time he studies the Spanish Civil War, is an avid photographer and a frustrated fly fisherman.

Professional & Scholastic Affiliations

Hamilton College Alumni Council

Favorite Quote

“The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries.”

—René Descartes

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