School/Division Division of Communication & Creative Media 
Programs Game Design 
Class 2018
Pronouns She/Her/Hers
Hometown Springfield, PA
Study Abroad Montreal, Canada


Game Design Intern at Happy People Games, LLC in New York, NY

How has your experience been with the Game Studio?

There’s a tremendous sense of community in the Game Studio—which includes Game Programming, Game Art, Game Design, and Game Production. All our majors are challenging and demanding, but we’re all in this together, and you really get a sense of that. Everyone supports one another, and we all learn from each other.We game designers have built a strong bond that I’m so happy to be a part of. It really creates a community and support system.

How has the Upside-Down Curriculum impacted your time at Champlain?

I really appreciate the Upside-Down Curriculum here. I wasn’t completely sure about my major when I picked it, and at another school, I would have had to wait two years to find out for sure whether it was for me. But at Champlain, you’re working in your major from the get-go. I was reassured that I made the right choice, and that was really important to me.

How is it being a Resident Assistant at Champlain?

I’ve worked as a Resident Assistant for two years now. And that experience has helped me grow so much—not only as a student, but as a person. It has helped me meet a lot of amazing people and hear a lot of different stories, which have, as a whole, opened my eyes. It’s a challenging job, but so rewarding. I’m a better person now.

There's a tremendous sense of community in the Game Studio. All our majors are challenging and demanding, but we're all in this together, and you really get a sense of that.
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Natalie Orlando, Class of 2018

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