Programs Psychology 
Class 2021
Pronouns She/Her/Hers
Hometown Chicago, IL

Post-Grad Job

Intelligence Officer in the U.S. Air Force

Tell us about your major!

I really like the hands-on learning for my major. Every semester in almost every Psychology class, we did something for the improvement of our community through research. In Cognitive Psychology, I created an advertisement to increase participants that go to an organization’s programs and got to pitch my ideas to that organization on campus. In my Social Psychology course, I got to go out in the community and apply what we learned in class about our society, and then come back to class to share what we learn in our professional experiences. In all of my research methods courses, I created my own research project to be implemented and presented at the end of the class. I always felt like my work was really meaningful.

How has Core changed your perspective?

My self-portrait changed my perspective of myself and how I see myself in the world. I wrote an essay called: Their Voice, Their Face, Their Story. This essay was associated with a painting I created that looked like me, but my face was made out of different skin colors to represent how I was the face of the many that I advocated for. I also painted the Earth as earrings so that I could represent carrying the world’s burdens on my shoulders. Before Core, I used my activism more individually and passively. After Core and completing my self-portrait, I realized the importance of not just being an advocate but joining with other passionate individuals to make a greater change. Therefore, I participated in more group protests and sit-ins.

What extracurricular activities are you involved in? What do you do/why do you enjoy them?

I am one of the founders and the captains of the Soul Food Step Team. I helped create the team because I was interested in creating a safe space for Black individuals while also allowing the freedom for artistic expression. Plus, I enjoy using my energy for dancing and hyping up my teammates. I also work with Black Student Union and Shades of Me with events on campus and collaborate with Clemmons Family Farm through dance workshops and education.

My self-portrait changed my perspective of myself and how I see myself in the world.
Mikaylan Diallo
Mikaylan Diallo, Class of 2021

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