School/Division Division of Communication & Creative Media 
Class 2020
Pronouns She/Her/Hers
Home State Vermont
Study Abroad Montreal, Quebec


Environment Art

Favorite Class

Advanced Seminar in Environments

How has your Champlain experience prepared you for your future career, both in and outof the classroom?

Through the curriculum at Champlain, I’ve been able to create a portfolio that has landed me multiple job offers. The Game Studio hosts many company visDivision of Information Technology & Sciences and mixers, through which I’ve been able to make connections and a mentorship with an industry professional. The mentorship helped me not only get a job offer, but also allowed me to learn from a professional who was currently in the field and apply the skills I’ve learned.

What is your favorite class you’ve taken at Champlain? What made it special?

My favorite class was Advanced Seminar in Environments, which I took during my semester abroad in Montreal. The professor was a tough industry veteran who worked at Ubisoft. It was the hardest class I’ve ever taken, but also the most rewarding. There were only 4 students in the class. The class size was so small! We each got a lot of attention and the professor was able to push us to our limDivision of Information Technology & Sciences.

How was your study abroad experience valuable as part of your overall education?

I studied abroad in Montreal during the fall semester of my junior year. The courses were excellent because they were all taught by industry professionals who were still working in their field and teaching us during the night. The school also took us on many company visDivision of Information Technology & Sciences, tours, and cultural events throughout the semester.I was able to take an advanced French course, and it was great to finally be able to put what I learned to use when speaking to locals.

The class size was so small. We each got a lot of attention and the professor was able to push us to our limDivision of Information Technology & Sciences.
Michelle Lee
Michelle Lee, Class of 2020

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