Board Member Board of Trustees 


Michele Asch (Elected October 2021) is a longtime Burlington, Vermont resident. She is currently Vice President of Leadership and Organizational Development at her family’s business, Twincraft Skincare. Michele has a diverse background that includes many years in student affairs at the University of Vermont, Directing the Family Business Initiative within the School of Business at UVM, starting and selling two small businesses, executive coaching, and business development. She is an active member of the community and is passionate about creating an economically strong, equitable, and healthy Vermont. She currently serves on the board for Let’s Grow Kids, The Center for Real Dialogue, Onward Analytics, and the Dudley Fund Investment Committee. Michele and her husband Peter Asch have five grown children and live on the shores of Lake Champlain.

More in Board of Trustees

Dan Boardman
Lucia Campriello
Jim Crook
Laura Dagan
Ian Davis
Marguerite Dibble '12
Michael Dubie
Justin Fimlaid
David Finney
Jerry Ford
Jim Foster
Kristin Halpin Perry ’89
Mahmoud Jabari ’15
Aimee Marti
Corinn McCarthy Bergeron G’10
Mari McClure
Kojo Mensah-Bonsu III '97
Michael Metz
Ken Minklei P’21
Judith W. O’Connell
Premila Peters
Vice Chair of the Board
David Provost
Raj Rawal
Russ Scully
Julie Snow ’86
David Stiller
Eduardo Vazquez ’10
Jon Wettstein
Sara Byers
Chairperson of the Board

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