Class 2023
Pronouns She/Her/Hers
Hometown Waterville, ME


Professional Writing

What made you choose your major?

I really like to write and create stories, but I also enjoy learning about science. Why not create stories that teach about the planet?

What projects have you worked on in classes that you’ve found particularly rewarding or useful?

Creating posts for one of my environmental classes in collaboration with the Emergent Media Center. It was a good exercise to try to distill scientific facts to the size of a post and make them entertaining. It was satisfying to see them published. I also liked working on a food website with my classmates in my Project Design course.

What is your favorite class you’ve taken at Champlain?

I’ve enjoyed the classes where I have learned a lot, and there are a good number of those. I think the one that I learned the most in is Screenwriting I. I really love cinema, and have lots of ideas for films, but you can’t get anywhere without a good script.

Do you have a favorite spot on campus?

Living on campus gives you the feeling that you’re not alone and that there are other people like you studying. I don’t have a spot in particular that is my favorite, but I like walking around Maple Street and South Willard Street because it’s the center of campus and you’ll see other students.

What do you like about Burlington?

Burlington is big enough to explore but small enough to be safe and it is physically beautiful.

I really like to write and create stories, but I also enjoy learning about science. Why not create stories that teach about the planet?
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Katherine Taddeo, Class of 2023

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