Additional Roles Curricular Innovation Faculty Lead; Chair, CCO Academic Council
Faculty Member Champlain College Online 
Pronouns She/Her/Hers
Education Capella University, Doctor of Philosophy; SUNY College at Brockport, Bachelor of Science; Marlboro College, Master of Science
Areas of Expertise
  • Marketing | Digital Marketing | Social Media Marketing
  • The intersection of Technology and Business | Society and Technology
  • Online Learning
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As Dept. Chair, Dr. Young teaches and manages the faculty, curriculum, and assessment for the undergraduate and graduate programs in Marketing, Media, and Esports, including ensuring the quality, currency, and relevance of courses, and that students are achieving program learning outcomes. As Curriculum Innovation Faculty Lead, Dr. Young supports the ideation, conceptualization, and implementation of new curriculum offerings that serve the needs of adults continuing their education as well as meeting the needs of employers who are looking to create educational opportunities for their employees.

Prior to her role in Champlain College Online, Dr. Young has been a part of the Champlain College community since 2000. In that time, she has been an integral part of the Stiller School of Business, in multiple roles including Assistant Dean (Jan 2010 – Dec 2011) and Program Director for Marketing and eBusiness Management (Dec 2000 – June 2008). As faculty, Dr. Young specialized in Digital Marketing and developed programs and minors in many Marketing-related areas including launching the B.S. in Marketing back in 2001 and more recently creating minors in Activist Marketing and Digital Marketing. Additionally she helped create the first-of-its-kind program in Management of Creative Media, which has since become a B.S. in Game Production Management. She has developed and taught classes in Activist Marketing, Nonprofit and Social Marketing, Introduction to Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Analytics, Advanced Digital Marketing, Community Management, and the Marketing Capstone. She is a HubSpot Educator and a Certified Appreciative Advisor.

Dr. Young has a Ph.D. in Organizational Management from Capella University, where her dissertation research examined technology use and adoption of college students, and she has developed a teaching model for faculty to follow when teaching a technology application in a classroom environment. In addition, she holds an M.S. in Internet Strategy Management from Marlboro College, a B.S. in Communication and Public Relations from SUNY Brockport and an A.S. in Communication from Genesee Community College. Dr. Young has over ten years of experience in the Marketing and Public Affairs profession, specializing in nonprofits. She is the author of “Tuned-in Family: How to Cope, Communicate and Connect in a Digital World” (2014).

Distinctions & Awards

Edward Phelps Lyman Professorship 2015

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