Staff Member Conference & Event Center 
Pronouns She/Her/Hers
Education The College of Saint Rose, Bachelor of Science; The College of Saint Rose, Bachelor of Science
Connect Online LinkedIn
Home State Vermont
Fun Fact About Me I was a bassoonist throughout college, and love the instrument. My own bassoon is named Sylvia.
Contact Communication and Creative Media


Christina joined Champlain College in 2017, and currently serves as the Director of the Conference & Event Center. In this role she leads a team with two primary areas of focus: supporting internal campus events and facilities, and welcoming the numerous guests that the Conference & Event Center is pleased to host on campus. Christina believes in building authentic and lasting relationships with the many repeat customers she works with through personable and efficient communication, an intimate knowledge of the campus she serves, and a solid dose of humor along the way.

Previously, Christina worked in the non-profit arts sector for 10 years including many years engaging with classical musicians in orchestra management. In various roles her work involved fundraising, community-building, and special events. She holds a B.S. in Music Industry with minors in both Business and Women’s Studies from The College of Saint Rose, and an M.B.A. from Champlain College.

A native Vermonter, Christina currently lives on a local farm where she spends her time caring for and being entertained by 200+ pigs and nearly 100 sheep. Her hobbies outside of the barn include knitting, hiking, solo travel exploration, and creating the perfect picnic.

More Staff in Conference & Event Center

Kati Christoffel
Event and Facilities Assistant
Hannah Dziezanowski
Event Coordinator
Susan Lindberg
Director of Facilities Operations/Event Center

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