Faculty Member Champlain College Online 
Pronouns He/Him/His
Education Boston University, Master of Business Administration; Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Bachelor of Science; Pennsylvania State University, Master of Science; Pennsylvania State University, PhD
Areas of Expertise
  • Financial and Managerial Accounting
  • Business Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Significant Experience with Not-For-Profit Organizations


Chris started his studies in the Biological Sciences. He earned a B.S. in Biology and an M.S. in Plant Pathology. His research focus was on the impact of air pollution on Forest Trees. He switched career paths and earned an MBA from Boston University with a focus on Accounting and Finance. He worked in public accounting and met the experience requirements and passed the exam to become a CPA. He left public accounting and worked for a number of different firms, primarily with a focus on manufacturing. His longest tenure was with a publicly-traded, high-tech, multinational firm that grew from annual revenues of tens of millions to hundreds of millions while he worked there. He has held the positions of: corporate controller, CFO, and VP of Services during his career. The growth that he dealt with piqued his interest in operations. He earned a Ph.D. in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from the Pennsylvania State University. His research focused supply chain performance and measurement systems. He has taught both undergraduate and graduate courses at a number of universities.

Favorite Quote

“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.”

—Mark Twain

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Anjali Barnick
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Adrian Cloete
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Akette Cowart
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Kimberly Ford
Jonathan Fowler
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Darren Franklin
David Freyman
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Stephan Giles
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Daniel Gomez-Edwards
Neil Groberg
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Christa Hagan-Howe
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Don Haggerty
Brandy Havens
Daniel Hembree
Michael Hemond
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Heather Hennessy
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Felix Hernandez
Steven Hickey
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Eric Jollymore
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Joseph Kanser
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Charles Kelliher
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Richard Kelly
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Kathleen Kingsbury
Benjamin Kohler
Leslye Kornegay
Marcelle Langan
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Alan Larson
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Melinda Lathrop
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John Lavallee
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Michael Levy
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Benjamin Luthy
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Sergio Tenreiro de Magalhaes
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Jaime Martin
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Rhonda McClellan
Ricardo McCoy
Tabatha McCullom
Todd McKeever
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Robert Melasky
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Christine Melicharek
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James Monroe
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Tanesha Morgan
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Janet Morrison
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Abi Oguntuase
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Douglas Orr
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Kenneth Revett
Christopher Riddell
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Jeffery Sanford
Gary Savard
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Eileen Schiffer
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Daniel Selicaro
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Anie Sklar
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Elaine St. Jean
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Holly Steeves
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Robyn Stratton-Berkessel
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Michelle Wakefield
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Timothy Wedge
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Elaine Young
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