School/Division Division of Communication & Creative Media 
Programs Graphic Design & Visual Communication 
Class 2023
Pronouns She/Her/Hers
Hometown Vermont
Study Abroad Dublin, Ireland


Marketing and Communication


Graphic Design Intern for Grafton Digital in Dublin, Ireland

When you were deciding where to go to school, why did you choose Champlain?

My top choice was always Champlain due to Division of Information Technology & Sciences engaging curriculum and beautiful campus. Also I knew as soon as I heard about the College’s study abroad opportunities as a high schooler, I had to come to Champlain and fulfill younger Cass’ dream of living in Ireland. An outreach counselor from the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC) explained that Champlain offered scholarships for low-income first-generation students like myself that allow me to be here today.

What opportunities have allowed you to apply classroom learning to real-world settings in your field?

Champlain helped me become the designer I am today. I now know what can make or break a design along with many of the tips, tricks, and secrets of my field. Before college, I used to look at something and say “that doesn’t look right,” or, “something is off,” and struggled to find what it was. Now I have the ability to critique and precisely point out what about a design is not working. It’s fun to apply this to the world around us since design is everywhere. Even when I spend time out with friends or family, I find myself scanning labels on various items to see if they were well designed or have flaws. Like graphic designer “I spy” if you will.

What do you want to be ready for/ready to do upon graduation? How has Champlain pushed you toward getting there?

The best part about Champlain is that they require you to have at least one internship experience before you graduate and go into the “real world”. Because of this, the College’s Career Collaborative has a deep reservoir of connections and are excited to help you secure a job or internship. The best part is that Champlain will also help you at any point in time, even after you graduate and need a career change down the road. The people at the Career Collaborative often joke “til’ death do us part,” meaning they are there whenever you need them!. Champlain makes sure you are ready to succeed when you enter the professional world.

The College's Career Collaborative has an abundant amount of connections and are more than willing to help you get a job or internship.
Cassandra Bitner
Cass Bittner, Class of 2023

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