School/Division Division of Information Technology & Sciences 
Programs Game Programming 
Class 2020
Pronouns He/Him/His
Hometown Scotch Plains, NJ
Study Abroad Montreal, Canada


Mobile Developer Intern at Rad Magpie in Burlington, VT

What made you choose Champlain?

I was drawn to Champlain’s close-knit community and upbeat atmosphere. Even before enrolling, it was very apparent that every student matters and receives individualized attention. The small class sizes allow professors to get to know each and every student. It also provides professors with the opportunity to tailor their teaching style to the needs of each student.

What is the best part of the Game Programming major?

I really like the amount of intriguing programming courses Champlain College has to offer. Game programming courses are available in graphics, physics, artificial intelligence, animation, and more. In addition to the wide variety of classes offered, I admire how close everyone who takes them becomes. We’re all passionate about what we’re learning, and we’re willing to help each other reach our greatest potential.

Can you tell us about your internship?

Over the summer before my senior year, I worked as a Mobile Developer at Rad Magpie, a non-profit game studio in Burlington. I was responsible for transforming the designers’ ideas into reality in the form of a mobile app for an international client. Having a programming job on my resume gives me a competitive edge, as it shows future employers that I have experience working on real production projects.

The small class sizes allow professors to get to know each and every student.
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