Class 2023
Pronouns She/Her/Hers
Home State New York


Broadcast Media Production

What do you like about your major?

I love that everyone is passionate about what they are pursuing. Since there is so much choice involved in the program and curriculum, you never feel like your work is done in vain. This creates passion for the work, and that energy is shared with peers.

What projects have you worked on in classes that you’ve found particularly rewarding/useful?

In the Fall of 2020, my project design class was given the opportunity to work with local organizations working to improve food access in Vermont. From that experience, the class created an online resource website where Champlain community members could go and find information on education, volunteering, and assistance with food insecurity. It was rewarding to create a product that real people could and would use.

What advice do you have for students thinking about coming to Champlain for college?

Whether you come for a tour or an open house or some other admissions event, take a few minutes to sit and observe the school in action—there’s an energy about this place that you can’t find anywhere else.

There's an energy about this place that you can't find anywhere else.
Abigael Lebrun
Abaigael Lebrun, Class of 2023

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