a student smiling at the camera while working in an office on a notebook and laptop

Law & Society

Want to uphold a system of justice through meaningful public service? Check out these majors that revolve around "doing good."

Because it takes more than passion to be a change-maker.

Leadership isn’t just a lofty word. It about knowing and understanding the variables of a situation — the historical facts, the psychology and culture of the people involved — and then using that knowledge to power change.

Learn to recognize influences beyond the obvious. Use critical thinking and ethical reasoning to effectively organize and advocate for the change you want to see in the world.

students uses a bullhorn; reads from notes

Law & Society

Roll up your sleeves and get ready to do good for others. Here, you learn by doing.

Future lawyers are taught by States Attorney and state representatives. Environmental advocates draft real proposals for the state. Social workers service the local community. Criminology & Criminal Justice majors can even attend the Vermont Police Academy and get 15 credits toward their degree upon successful completion.

Explore Programs in this Pathway
One thing that the law courses teach you here subconsciously, whether or not you realize it, is a lot about humanity, and I feel that my perspective and interpretation of how people live their life and their choices and their decisions is a lot less judgmental, and I can empathize with them.
Maggie O’Keefe ’23, Law

Median annual wage for police & detectives, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.


Projected job growth for social workers until 2032, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s nearly 63,800 new social workers needed every year.


Median annual wage for environmental scientists & technicians, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

a police officer speaks to students at a career fair

Career Options

The world needs professionals who are ready to roll up their sleeves to do good for others. If this is you, explore these options.

  • Renewable Energy Analyst
  • Immigration Lawyer
  • Global Supply Chain Analyst
  • Police Officer
  • Labor Relations
  • Social Services Agent
  • Environmental Regulator
  • Diplomat
  • Translator/Interpreter
  • Agriculture Advisor
  • Foreign Affairs Analyst
  • Criminal/Defense Attorney

Career Outcomes

Access a powerful network of alumni and community partners from Vermont to D.C. to across the globe. And if big ideas are what you’re seeking, then there’s no better place than Vermont, a state known for being unconventional and trying new things.

Learn About Career Success Outcomes
student delivers a presentation in a professional environment

Course Highlights

Learn by doing in our career-focused classes.

  • Climate Change and Energy Policy Development
  • Social Justice Intensive
  • Introduction to Cybercrime & Digital Forensics
  • Problem Analysis & Decision Making
  • International Marketing
  • Global Business Strategy
Champlain really focuses on teaching students to listen to all of the facts, assess a situation, and problem solve. There is a lot of emphasis on communication with everyone; faculty and staff, classmates, and peers. There is also a lot of emphasis on being a community. I feel like I am working with my classmates, rather than competing against them.
Alyssa Ambrosino
Alyssa Ambrosino ’22, Criminal Justice // Rhode Island



More Inside Career Pathways