Freeman Foundation Grant
This generous grant offers Champlain students a financial pathway to international experiences, as well as language and intercultural skills.

Opportunities in Dynamic Asian Cities
It began in 2013. The Robert P. Stiller School of Business sent 10 students to intern in Shanghai. Since then, more than 100 Champlain students have traveled to various countries in Asia for life-changing experiences that impact them academically, professionally, and personally.
It was all made possible courtesy of the Freeman Foundation Grant.
This generous grant offers Champlain students a financial pathway to international experiences, as well as language and intercultural skills. Some of our students’ internships have even evolved into full-time jobs post-graduation.
Due to the success of the Freeman Foundation Grant program, Champlain expanded in 2019 to include opportunities in Kyoto, Japan. Since then, the grant has continued to expand, offering opportunities in cities such as Kyoto and Bangkok.
Why is this relevant to college students?
From tourist destinations to tech hubs, Asia is a robust continent with a myriad of cultures and experiences. Interning in one of these multinational urban environments allows Champlain students to take an active role in these vibrant, growing economies.
An international internship in Asia offers professional development, real-world work experience, and the ability to gain a new cultural experience in a beautiful location. Intern in fields such as:
- marketing and advertising
- business and economics
- media and public relations
- logistics and supply management
- gaming
- entrepreneurship, and more.
And the best part? You won’t travel alone! We make sure that a group of Champlain students travels together on each trip, so you can practice your teamwork skills, get over homesickness, and have the opportunity to plan exciting activities together while abroad.
An internship for a full summer, being placed in my field and in a market that’s just exploding was something I was just, like yeah, “I’m definitely going to go.”

What costs does the grant cover?
- a stipend (a fixed amount paid at the beginning of your trip) to help you cover the normal expenses associated with a semester or summer internship in Asia such as food
- room through trusted third-party providers
- an internship placement fee
- 24/7 in-country support while you are abroad
- food, in specific cases
Airfare to Thailand, Japan, or other countries in Asia may be eligible for coverage depending on the availability of funds.
- any regional travel
- tuition fees or credits costs
- other goods while you are abroad
It’s just a very liberating and empowering experience because by the end of it, you’re sort of like, “I don’t really need anyone; I can do things on my own.”

Meaningful Work That’s Relevant to Your Career
Champlain College will work with our partners to match your major and interests to appropriate internships through well-established networks of in-country organizations. Our faculty and staff routinely travel to various locations to check-in, connect with internship supervisors and officials, and help you upon your arrival and departure.
Our staff also interview site supervisors to ensure a common understanding of the high level of work Champlain students are prepared to do and the value they add to the organizations where they intern.
We make a conscious effort to ensure that you’re participating in real work, not just making copies. Our expectations for the work you’ll do are clear to both you and your supervisors and are a priority to ensure quality and success for you and future interns at these organizations.
More Inside Study Abroad
Montreal, Canada
As the largest trading partner to the U.S., Canada is a world away without being too far away. Discover the vibrant culture of Montreal, one of the world’s leading multimedia, business, and design cities.
Dublin, Ireland
With internship opportunities, a friendly atmosphere, and historic charm, make Dublin your own vibrant academic and cultural hub.
Freeman Foundation Grant
This generous grant offers Champlain students a financial pathway to international experiences, as well as language and intercultural skills.