students browse student art installations at the ccm upstairs gallery

Portfolio of Student Work

graphics for a theoretical snowboard lifestyle brand by a graphic design & visual communication student

Edge Snowboards – Brand Collateral

A series of graphics created by Hannah Rein for a theoretical snowboard lifestyle brand.

a screenshot from a filmmaking sizzle reel

2023 Film Capstone Reel

A collection of clips from all of the 2022-2023 Filmmaking Senior Capstones.

a screenshot from a game art student's animated demo reel

Camden’s Demo Reel

Game Art student Camden Emery’s animation demo reel.

a book cover design from a writing and publishing student's poetry project

GIRL – Poetic Story

A Professional Writing Capstone created by Birdie Bergeron titled GIRL: A Poetic History of the Beatles Through the Eyes of Jane, Mo, Patti, and Cyn.

a row of cows at a modern vermont dairy farm

Keeping the Farm Alive – Documentary

A documentary created by Champlain students exploring the challenges of running a Vermont dairy farm.

a book cover design from a group project by writing and publishing students

Destigmazine – Literary Magazine

A literary magazine created by four Writing & Publishing students with a theme centered around mental health.

a screenshot from an interactive web-based art piece by a creative media student

Operation Penrose – Interactive Web Experience

Inspired by Sir Roger Penrose, a British mathematician, Creative Media student Ellie Newman showcased math and art being used in tandem in an interactive web experience.

social media graphics for a dating app, designed by a graphic design & visual communication student

Held&Heard – Brand Collateral

A brand package designed by Josh Vaus that features mobile app UI designs, business cards, social media posts, and other assets for a theoretical LGBTQIA+ dating app brand.

several vermont skiiers heading down-hill

Steep Slope – Documentary

A documentary created by Champlain students describing the effects of climate change on the ski industry.

title card for a film vfx reel

Samantha’s VFX Reel

Filmmaking student Samantha Simpson’s VFX reel.

typographic design inspired by the serif typeface Baskerville, designed by a graphic design & visual communication student

Baskerville – Typographic Exercise

A typographic exercise designed by Ruby Singer, inspired by the classic serif typeface Baskerville.

a screenshot from a game art student's animated demo reel

Michael’s Demo Reel

Michael Aucella’s Animation demo reel.

More Inside Creative Studio Experience