The start to the the academic year looks a whole lot different than usual, but Champlain College students, staff, and faculty are making the most of it. Download your first day of classes sign below!

A few familiar faces wanted to stop by, wave hello, remind you to wear your mask, and wish you luck on your first day of classes, whether you’re studying on campus or remote this semester!

While some students will take a stroll through the quad on their way to class, others will power on their computers in their residence hall and from homes across the country on Monday, August 31 as our first Flex-Hybrid semester kicks off.

On a normal first day of classes, the Student Engagement Team would be rallying hundreds and hundreds of students in the quad on their way to classes—offering donuts, coffee, and a photo opp to send home.

A throwback to the first day of the Fall 2019 semester.

Even though we can’t all gather on the quad on Monday, we can still make that photo opp happen! Below are some downloaded PDFs for all our students studying remote this fall. Take a picture of yourself holding the sign, send it to your family and friends, and get excited to accomplish some amazing things this fall. Share your photos on social media using #LetUsDare, or direct message them to the @champlainedu Instagram account.

Happy first day of classes, Beavers. We miss you and will see you soon, whether that’s virtually or in-person!

Just one example of the downloadable signs available below.

Kaylee Sullivan

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