students and professor consider information on large screens

Leahy Center

Students and staff learning and working in collaboration to provide cutting-edge digital forensics and cybersecurity solutions using state-of-the-art technology in our world-class laboratory.

A place for the next generation of specialists and engineers to learn and grow.

Since opening in 2010, the Leahy Center has become the central hub of digital forensics and cybersecurity at Champlain College. It’s a world-class laboratory with state-of-the-art technology, providing digital forensics and cybersecurity services to a wide variety of organizations, from government bodies to local businesses.

Students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels who work at the Leahy Center have an opportunity to learn by participating in a practical and hands-on laboratory environment, alongside professionals on research and real cases involving cybercrime, digital forensics, and information assurance.

We provide digital forensics and cybersecurity support, training, research, and other technical services to assist law enforcement agencies, non-profit organizations, and small businesses in Vermont and throughout the nation in areas related to cybercrime.

Trusted by the Department of Defense, Department of Justice, and Secret Service, Champlain students work on important research, backed by significant federal grants. Our students also help create training programs for law-enforcement officials, setting the standard for professional digital forensic work.

SC Awards logo

Our laboratory environment provides practical, hands-on experience for Champlain College students to learn, grow, and hone their talents.

National Recognition

  • National Center of Digital Forensics Academic Excellence logo and U.S. Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center logo
    DC3 Designation

    Champlain College has been recognized as a National Center of Digital Forensics Academic Excellence (CDFAE) by the U.S. Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center (DC3). As one of the first institutions to receive this distinction, Champlain meets or exceeds the standards set by the DC3 and produces highly sought-after graduates in digital forensics and cybersecurity.

    The CDFAE program was created to address the growing need for skilled professionals to combat digital crime. It allows colleges and universities to partner with the government to ensure that graduates are well-prepared to meet the increasing demands of digital forensics in law enforcement, government, and corporate security.

  • National Security Agency logo and National Center of Academic Excellence logo
    NSA Designation

    Champlain College has been designated by the National Security Agency (NSA) as a National Center of Academic Excellence (CAE) in Cyber Defense Education. With the Cyber Defense (CAE-CD) designation, Champlain College’s cybersecurity courses, curriculum, and practices meet the criteria established by the NSA and federal partners such as the FBI and the Department of Defense.

    As part of the NCAE program, Champlain actively contributes to strengthening the national information infrastructure through higher education and research in cyber defense. The designation ensures a high standard of cybersecurity education and the production of confident professionals with extensive expertise in cyber defense.

Featured Projects

For the most recent research projects and student experiences, check out our blog.

Shield logo of Champlain College's Leahy Center

Where to Find Us

  • students at various cubicles

    Housed within the Miller Center at the Lakeside Campus, students can use the shuttle service between main campus and the Leahy Center. Buses run continuously from the main campus to Lakeside during regular business hours.

    Visitors, please park in visitor parking and enter the Miller Center lobby (non-street-facing side of building).

    Contact the Leahy Center

Leahy Center

Physical address:
175 Lakeside Avenue, Room 300A
Burlington, VT 05401

Mailing address:
246 South Willard Street
Burlington, VT 05401
Monday – Friday
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM